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Sokoban trifft Programmiersprachen-Logik – das vielleicht beste Denkspiel 2019.
Brilantní logická hra s jednoduchými pravidly, geniálními mechanismy, záplavou úrovní, a hlavně mnoha možnostmi, jak docílit vítězství. Škoda jen jisté neintuitivnosti a neucelenosti zdánlivě konzistentních mechanismů, které vám občas překazí triumfální plány.
Baba is You makes you feel brilliant as you transform the properties of each puzzle to get the win in the early game – but then things get complicated.
Even so, as uneventful its music may seem, it does little to sway the view that Baba Is You is an outstandingly inventive and delightful puzzle game to crack. A game that is as anarchic as it is orderly in its logic-based intentions, seldom do the easy-to-grasp mechanics and calculating demeanour of its appearance, run tired or stale despite its simple concept of mere block pushing. Resulting in one...