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Technisch dürftige, aber äußerst umfangreiche Wrestlingsimulation, die die Faszination des Showsports detailverliebt adaptiert.
Fanoušci wrestlingu budou zřejmě spokojeni, ostatní odradí neoslnivé grafické zpracování s množstvím chyb a nedostatečná atraktivita, přeci jenom wrestling není pro každého.
Slušně provedený wrestling, který dovede oslovit i ne-fanoušky a svou širokou nabídkou módů a návykovou hratelností minimálně vybudí touhu odemykat stovky bonusových položek.
První pořádný díl pro aktuální generaci konzolí. Autoři mají do budoucna na čem stavět.
Another year has bolstered WWE 2K's feature set, but the core mechanics feel clunky and well-worn, like a wrinkled old-timer still fighting for the spotlight.
Another year has bolstered WWE 2K's feature set, but the core mechanics feel clunky and well-worn, like a wrinkled old-timer still fighting for the spotlight.
Another year has bolstered WWE 2K's feature set, but the core mechanics feel clunky and well-worn, like a wrinkled old-timer still fighting for the spotlight.
Another year has bolstered WWE 2K's feature set, but the core mechanics feel clunky and well-worn, like a wrinkled old-timer still fighting for the spotlight.
Wrestling fans have been waiting for a truly great game for their sport of choice for years, if not decades. All that waiting has mostly paid off as WWE 2K16 is a strong game that can stand well with the genre’s heavy-hitters without looking too out of place. WWE 2K16 isn’t without its flaws, but it’s the most feature-rich wrestling game to come along in a while, with a right massive roster, a good...