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Nudná a hubená závodní arkáda pro velmi nenáročné řidiče, která se na svůj vzor dívá z velmi uctivé vzdálenosti.
Dangerous Driving hits the perfect melody at certain points when focusing on what the team set out for it to do: be a spiritual successor to Burnout. At its peak, it feels like a Burnout game. The controls and visuals are fantastic and are properly tipping the cap to late 1990s arcade games along with the Burnout franchise. Collisions are massive and there’s a good bit of variety of cars and game modes....
Ve světě, ve kterém existuje takřka dokonalý Burnout Paradise Remastered, nemá Dangerous Driving co nabídnout. V produkci Three Fields Entertainment se jedná o výrazný posun k lepšímu, mezi slepými je však i jednooký králem.
Burnout creators' latest game mines the series' early history, but it struggles to find traction.