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Ach, můj bože, podívejte se na nebesa! Přiletěli mimozemšťané a posílají na nás své krvelačné mutanty. Zachraň se, kdo můžeš. Nebo si zahrajte povedené béčko Earth Defense Force 5 a všechny vetřelce postřílejte.
Fighting off swarms of aliens is still simple fun, but Earth Defense Force 5 remains clunky and outdated.
I’ll admit that I went into Earth Defense Force 5 a little concerned about series fatigue. After three versions of Earth Defense Force 4 in three years it felt like maybe that was enough for now, but while EDF5 only incrementally advances the series, that’s still plenty to make it worth diving into one hundred levels of giant bug and alien blasting carnage. “Formulaic” is only a problem when the...