
Far Cry 5 - Lost On Mars


Average from 2 reviews
#pc #xbox-one #playstation 4 #ps4 #xbo #ubisoft

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Jul 19, 2018
V Lost on Mars, jak se jmenuje druhý přídavek pro akci Far Cry 5 , se vydáme na rudou planetu bojovat proti arachnidům. Ačkoliv po příběhové stránce je to šílenost v tom dobrém slova smyslu, zbraně nudí a zhruba po hodince už i celý Mars.

Jul 18, 2018
Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars is a nice tongue in cheek addition to the base game. The story is completely ridiculous but it provides context for Nick Rye and Hurk to bro down on an adventure that can only be born from someone as dumb as Hurk. The gameplay aspect doesn’t fare quite as well as looking for each queen, killing her to recover the energy core and repeating for each of the fifteen queens does...