Hodnoceniher.cz | ☰ |
Unravel the dark secrets of each ancient God as you venture into their elaborate and perilous lairs. Crawling with minions who will stop at nothing to defend their deities, each location will be deadlier than the last.
With 8 different warriors of every size, each equipped with their own exclusive weapon type, choose your next hero wisely. Success is hard earned and brings unique skills, weapons and items but failure will see the challenger imprisoned and screaming for salvation.
Savour the calming sights as you explore the stunning and lush terrain of the Overworld. But beyond each ancient doorway, lies a god's realm. Brimming with foul creatures, stalking a world built from human suffering. Each path you tread and each door you open will be different from the last, ensuring a brand new tale unfolds every time.
With a pick up and play combat style that is easy to learn but hard to master, a massive challenge awaits all who venture within. Strengthen your warrior by entering the fray and embracing the berserker within. Defeat is always moments away as the gods await their challenger.
Keltové mají plné přilby krutovlády bohů, a proto vyráží na sebevražednou misi za svobodou. Jestli vám nevadí opakovat již hotové a nejsilněji se cítíte s pořádným železem v ruce, jste ideální velitelé bojechtivé tlupy. Gods Will Fall se dobře hrají, překvapují sociálním systémem postav a těší pohledným zpracováním. Místy si sice hrají až na příliš velké drsňáky a komplikují život absencí pomocných...
Roguelike-Rachefeldzug mit spannender und innovativer Gruppendynamik. Nur das Kampfsystem hakt etwas.
Games built entirely around boss battles can be great. Furi is popular for a reason. Gods Will Fall might have been better served if that was the route they went. Instead, it’s bogged down with levels that, while artistically solid, weigh on the entire experience. There’s one group of folks that should check this out: students of game design. This is not along the lines of “ha ha, this game sucks so...