
Batman: The Enemy Within


Average from 13 reviews
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Apr 3, 2018
Batman: The Enemy Within za první sérií nijak nezaostává. Tentokrát jsou hlavními hvězdami sám Bruce Wayne a Joker, kteří rozehrávají další svérázný příběh. Druhá epizodická zastávka ve městě Gotham se zkrátka vyplácí, protože může nejednou příjemně překvapit a také donutit k přemýšlení nad vašimi volbami, a to bez ohledu na jejich reálný dopad.

Apr 2, 2018
Batman: The Enemy Within is an improvement on the first season in nearly every way, with enhanced combat sequences, a strong presentation and voice cast and an engrossing relationship between Batman and the Joker that produces some memorable and heart-wrenching moments that feel well-justified by the player’s choices up to those moments. A few slower-paced sequences hold the story and gameplay back...

Game Informer
Mar 30, 2018
The Enemy Within takes the most iconic relationship in comics and mines it for all its worth.

Game Informer
Mar 29, 2018
Telltale's second outing with the bat ends with a showstopper.

Game Informer
Jan 25, 2018
Episode 4 brings Bruce and Doe's tense relationship to a head.

Jan 24, 2018
“What Ails You” keeps the stakes high as Wayne continues to juggle numerous issues and relationships within the city of Gotham. While the short runtime can make this episode seem a bit more like filler, the usually stellar voice cast and key moments help keep the momentum up during the penultimate episode.

Game Informer
Nov 29, 2017
The Enemy Within continues to improve with each episode.

Oct 5, 2017
The Pact provides a highly compelling, Bruce Wayne-focused episode that continues to push the momentum of this season forward at a fast pace. The lack of common Telltale features may be a bit off-putting to some fans, but those eager to see Gotham’s diverse cast of characters at their best will find plenty to enjoy with The Pact.

Game Informer
Oct 4, 2017
The second episode of the new season is much more enjoyable than the first...if you're willing to suspend your disbelief

Sep 5, 2017
Současná mánie dala vzniknout celé řadě herních i filmových adaptací komiksových hrdinů. Jakousi mezicestou – tedy v podstatě interaktivním filmem – pak nějakou dobu kráčí již zmiňované kalifornské vývojářské studio Telltale Games (The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands či Minecraft: Story Mode), které v nedávné době (8. srpna 2017) započalo již druhou sérii point-and-click adventur s oblíbeným...

Aug 20, 2017
Ano, nový interaktivní seriál od Telltale se opět podařil. Pokud vás bavila první sezona, běžte si koupit i druhou. Pokud vás první sezona nebavila, druhou si nekupujte. Co víc potřebujete vědět?

Aug 8, 2017
The Enigma offers plenty of teases for the season ahead while also improving upon the combat and presentation for Telltale’s take on the powerless superhero. Those mere hints are all that separate this episode from feeling like a standalone story, though, albeit an intriguing one at that. Once the full season comes into play, this debut episode may feel a little less out of place, but for now, The...

Game Informer
Aug 7, 2017
The Enigma lives up to its name of being difficult to understand from start to finish.